Drop Dead: Remains For Metamorpheus' face images, see http://www.ttursas.com/DDR/Metamorpheus For Backgrounds, see http://www.ttursas.com/DDR/Backgrounds CHANGELOG: v1.3.2 (24-Dec-2023) "Krampus is back!" - fixed level rating to work again - the game tried to apply hinge joints and proprty modifiers to camera waypoints - property modifier can now make objects static - added property modifier 2 that can make objects destroyable with a gunshot, change damage multiplier, and change gunshot damage - gunshot damages now non-pickable objects - gunshot doesn't destroy bottles any more (use now property modifier 2 for that) - bullet sources can be made non-static (so attach them with hinge joints to objects) - jiller's projectile moves now 50% faster and obeys gravity - world's min and max x and y (the limit after which objects disappear) can be changed in level settings - added pull duration (frames) into level settings - added "alternative real life monsters" option to preferences. this will change the names, decriptions and faces of real life monsters for those who don't care about reality - updated Halloween and normal Wishi's head graphics, added Christmas skin for Wishi - Jeremiah's tongue and Davey's fishing line ignore now camera waypoints, but are affected by invisible objects - added new food items: carrot, gingerbread man, gingerbread star - added x-flipping to candies, and new candies: Christmas candy, candy cane v1.3.1 (31-Oct-2023) "Some Gravy for Beef" - physics iterations in level settings is now limited between 1 and 100 and timestep between 0.0001 and 1.0. - flies spawned from gift boxes and killer bees spawned from beehives didn't have their types set properly - added three new fan made characters: Puffy, Jiller and Clock Bear - added one original character: Scrunkly - added Halloween skins for Paint Turtle, Chimpy and Elementus v1.3.0 (25-Oct-2023) "Better Beef Late than Nothing Never" - added autosave (and loading). autosave is saved when a level is played in the editor. - gift boxes can now produce killer bees, t-rex, god of pain and mr. who as well - the following objects can be made static/non-static: god of pain, mr. who, t-rex and eye balls - added health multipliers to god of pain, mr. who, t-rex and eye balls - added hit particle generation option to static generic boxes/balls/triangles - if TELEPORT SLAVES, TELEPORT COLLIDERS and APPLY IMPULSE USING TARGET triggers have multiple slave targets then we randomize the target - burning damages now butterflies, bats, spiders and killer bees - added "debug" and "no clicking/pulling in the editor" to preferences - added "destroy bullet 3s after collision" option to cannons - added a motored cart that has both sides, left and right - added angle offset to trigger APPLY IMPULSE TO OBJ'S UP - added optional "wake up slaves after teleporting" to TELEPORT SLAVES trigger - added optional "don't activate touching slave" to ACTIVATE WHEN A SLAVE OBJ TOUCHES THIS trigger - added soap bubble (2 in the editor) - added piranha (2 in the editor) - added homing missile (1 in the editor) - added bullet source (make it invisible and use it e.g., to build boss fights with triggers) (shift+7 in the editor) - added hinge joints (shift+7 in the editor) - use these to join overlapping objects, join an object to a ghosted, invisible static block to make it hang in the air - perhaps increase physics iterations in the level settings to make the joints more stable. note that hinge joints don't attach to backmost decos - added one new background image (from Drop Dead 4 TMP folder) - added bones/skull as objects that you can place in the editor (2 in the editor) - added a new egg sprite: spider egg, and eggs can now spawn spiders, added a new skin (blue spider by paint_turtle) for spider - added bones/skull to decoration sprites - balloons with 0% health modifier don't explode immediately at the start of a level - worms can now burn - ragdolls of the same characters, when collide, cause now damage to each other - when a character with a hat or a sword is linked to a CREATE trigger hats and swords vanish at the beginning of the level like the characters - removed statistics collecting function calls - PLAY SOUND EFFECT trigger that is activated right at the beginning of a level plays now the sound effect - TELEPORT SLAVES trigger works now with only one slave object teleporting - DESTROY trigger has a new mode that explodes the sprite and plays explosion SFX - MOVE TO TARGET trigger can now move properly objects that consist of multiple physics bodies (e.g., spears) - if a ragdoll drowns its body slowly sinks - fishes have now optional AI - eye balls have now modulation color, two new sprites, they make meat sounds and they can shoot projectiles - Paint Turtle can now make soap bubbles and homing missiles to appear - http balls and boxes can now be made burnable - it is possible to exit shooting mode by clicking on the appearing "exit" button - player character and ragdolls can be marked to "spawn without accessories" - internal organs can be made static and their size and health multiplier can be changed - SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT trigger with an empty textbox doesn't show "null" anymore, now it doesn't show anything at all - SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT trigger now shows the latest content of a textbox that has been edited with a trigger, not just the original text from start of the level - increased DISABLE ALL DAMAGE and SCORE MULTIPLIER trigger's max duration to 10,000 seconds, zero duration equals now to infinity, added an option to not show the announcement - TELEPORT COLLIDERS and TELEPORT SLAVES triggers can now make a teleporting sound - all static boxes, ball and triangles can now have black outlines - static generic boxes, balls and triangles have now 6 optional textures - Chimpy should now have two separate hand and foot sprites for modders - fixed Wishi's hood sprite during Halloween - bats can now attack ragdolls (optional mode) - it's now possible to change the color of the butterflies - flies and killer fly-bees have now vision distance - httpboxes etc. might now work with newer flash players than 11 - use urls (httpboxes etc.) like "local://image.jpg" to load an image from the folder where the game's swf file is - good for mods! - using k/l/q/e to change the parameters of an object in editor should not wake up colliding bodies any more - cannons can be made non static - hotkey c doesn't work in the editor mode any more, only while the level is played - "wake up at start" should now work with all ragdolls, not just with player character - decoration sprites can now be made non-static (use e.g., to attach them to moving objects with hinge joints) - pressing space multiple times in the editor without moving the mouse much cycles through all the objects below the mouse pointer (works for at most 20 overlapping objects) - use P/SHIFT+P in the editor to change the object's sprites priority on the layer it is - useful for reordering objects' sprites when joining them with hinge joints, but note that this feature doesn't work with all objects with sprites and works only at the beginning of a level - moving ragdolls' predefined accessories like hats in the editor doesn't work any more and thus doesn't crash the game - rocket heads have now three modes: vanish, explode (old default) and remain, and they have a mass modifier (the heavier the object the less lighter objects affect it) - the texture in rotated textured boxes is not any more randomized - added an option to remove default hinge joints to chain bridge so you can create loose chains (or use hinge joint objects to attach one end of the chain bridge to something) - made chains (pendulums and chain bridges) a little bit more stiffer - chain bridges have now a self collisions toggle and two new textures: pillow and stone - moved some texts in the editor that are on top of the object's sprite to object's description text (like 200HP in http boxes and balls) - added ropes (6 in the editor) - we now display an error message if the level data contained something the game doesn't understand - maybe you need to update to the latest version of DD:R if that happens - particle emitters and text boxes can be made non-static - attach them with hinge joints to objects - setting a http box to be a decoration doesn't make it automatically static any more - added hit sound, friction, density, restitution and toggles "create blood/bone particles" and "damage gives points" to http boxes and balls - added optional damage and bone image urls to http boxes and balls - Wishi's hood obeys now ghosting and invisibility - invisible objects don't create hit or explosion particles any more - put all ACTIVATE triggers after each another in the editor - all sprites that would change their draw priorities while the game is running should now keep their priority - perfect balance blocks are now accessible by pressing 2 in the editor (old shift+7) - turned boxes, balls and triangles into generic boxes, balls and triangles with density, friction, restitution, hit sound, texture and color (balls have tyre sprites as well) - breakable boxes, ball and triangles have now break sound, color and texture in the settings - velocity limiting is now done at the end of the physics iteration to make it more robust - added "utilize out-of-game-screen area" to preferences which will move debug texts and color selector out of game screen - added property modifier object (shift+7 in the editor) that can be used to change some of the properties of the underlying object - extended thanksgiving, friday the 13th, easter and april fools' day in-game events by two days (one before, one after) - added "real life monsters collection" with new characters: Putin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong Un, Hirohito and Z Soldier - level database browser now shows, if it can, the version of the game the level was created with - added diarrhea boxes, balls and triangles (much like blood boxes... but brown) - bugfix: if a television is burning and it's broken the sprite will look like it was burned - bugfix: many property toggles (like SHIFT+J) for objects could be changed even though the object didn't support them - if cars' and carts' wheels get detached from the main body they now collide with each other - added four explosion sounds to SFX triggers - added new triggers (ACTIVATE WHEN A CHARACTER DROWNS, DELETE SLAVES' JOINTS, ADD/SET PULLS/JUMPS/BULLETS, ACTIVATE WHEN BIRTHDAY) - renamed trigger STOP/RELEASE CAMERA to CHANGE CAMERA MODE, added a new mode: cursor key controlled - added one new food item: cupcake - added 11 sea themed sprites, 4 stalactites, an arrow and a cake to decorations - added option "emit particles only when moving" to particle emitters - added a new particle sprite: star - added sprite scale and sprite rotation min and max to particle emitters - mouse wheel can be used to zoom when i/shift+i zoom is enabled, hold down shift to halve the zooming speed - bugfix: invisible level name textfield in the upper part of the screen would block textbox editing in the editor - we now hide the level name textfield properly - added a new title screen and default editor level for Drop Dead's birthday (26 October) - made Halloween title screen nicer, and added a new default editor level for Halloween - lava area splashes are now lava colored, blood area splashes blood colored - added hats (hard hat, santa hat, party hat 1-4, top hat, bowler, cowboy hat, crown) as editor objects (2 in the editor), made hats lighter - after disable all damage trigger's timer runs out the normal status is restored, previously the mode wasn't fully restored but partially, also bullets caused damage while disable all damage trigger was active - touching a trigger doesn't cause a zero damage hit any more thus e.g., balloons with zero health don't explode when touching a trigger v1.2.16 (04-Oct-2023) "Quick Asian Fix" - the game should now work properly in all Asian countries, removed region checks v1.2.15 (11-Jul-2023) "Early Summer Update" - killer fly-bee mutants, flies and butterflies work now properly when the level has no gravity. - instead of vomiting blood when decapitated, Vincent now sprays blood from the neck - gift box shows "inherit scale" property only in the editor now - water doesn't affect ghosts any more - changing the color of an object doesn't wake up colliding bodies any more - increased the friction of the bodies of spears, swords, axes and knives - removed unused time setting from MOVE TO TARGET triggers - added ONLY WITH NPCS mode to ACTIVATE WITH RAGDOLL triggers - hats come off only when the head turns into a skull - we don't try to reset a deleted trigger after it's been activated thus avoiding a crash - made Paint Turtle less bouncy - movie borders don't cover up continue button any more when using MOVE CAMERA TO TARGET and SHOW PICTURE triggers at the same time - having a hat on doesn't block loose heads from spraying blood - when opening a level in the editor in edit mode all objects are now put to sleep, including bats, cranks, minions and mannequins... - hitting a static generic box with big restitution shouldn't give negative points any more - MOVE TRIGGER TO TARGET trigger has now a mode where movement ends when the 1st trigger reaches the target - MOVE TO TARGET trigger has now a mode where movement ends when the 1st object reaches the target - fixed a possible crash in Test.cleanUp() - added the following cannons from Drop Dead: Cannon: fire bomb, time bomb, anti-matter, super ball, bubble and thruster - head popper potion doesn't make hats fall off - Paint Turtle has a special skin on his birthday (6th of August) - fixed chainsaw issues: moving forward didn't work with x-flipped sprite, body gave the damage the blade was supposed to give and vice versa - it's possible to activate head goals with loose heads that have hats on - invulnerability potion now removes the burning status from a ragdoll (not Vincent) - breakable balls, triangles and boxes and soft wood balls, triangles and boxes and gift boxes with 0% health don't break immediately and they don't break when in the editor - added options to ignore mouse clicks and pulls to saws, fragile saws, free saws, bats, cranks, cogwheels, rotating balls, christmas tree star, rotating triangles, rotating boxes, cars and carts with motors - added a new trigger (STOP/RELEASE CAMERA) - moving or cloning a free saw in the editor doesn't reset the motor to off any more v1.2.14 (18-Mar-2023) "Suddenly Better" - ACTIVATE WHEN A SLAVE OBJ IS HIT trigger could give infinitely points when it was used with a ragdoll and a part of the ragdoll was destroyed - added a new type to ACTIVATE WHEN TIME... trigger: "activate when time changes to", for single activations - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE WHEN TIMER ZERO), which runs when it's not ghosted, use to create time sensitive events and e.g., escape rooms with a time limit - added a new trigger (ADD TO TIMER) that can be used to add or subtract time from a running ACTIVATE WHEN TIMER ZERO trigger - ragdolls' accessories (hats, swords... ) obey now ghosting and invisibility - when the player drowns now also jumps and bullets are reset to zero, not just pulls - when in golf mode the golf ball is in the ball pit bullets are now also reset to zero v1.2.13 (13-Mar-2023) "30k No More" - There was a 30k character limit for level data in the level save/load window, removed that limit v1.2.12 (11-Mar-2023) "Round Wires" - renamed ACTIVATE WHEN COUNTER HITS 0 trigger to ACTIVATE SLAVES WHEN ACTIVATED N TIMES for clarity - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE WHEN TIME...), use these perhaps with the trigger ACTIVATE SLAVES WHEN ACTIVATED N TIMES - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE WHEN COUNTER...) - added a new trigger (ADJUST COUNTER) - added a new trigger (SET TEXT TO COUNTER) - added a new trigger (MERGE TEXTS) that merges texts in slave text boxes, if the text is "+HI" then "HI" is added, if the text is "---" then 3 last characters are removed, if the text is "!CLEAR" then the text is cleared - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE IF TEXTS ARE THE SAME) - added a new trigger (EDIT TEXT WITH A KEY PRESS) - added a new trigger (TOGGLE HOTKEYS) which is useful with key press triggers - fixed a memory leak that happened when moving objects that contained parts that used color modulation like many ragdoll characters - moving level items with CRTL + arrow keys doesn't wake up colliding bodies any more - added health modifiers to flies, killer fly-bee mutants, butterflies and fragile saws - added new sprites (mostly for debugging purposes) to ACTIVATE trigger - added sprite alpha multiplier to ACTIVATE and ACTIVATE WHEN A SLAVE OBJ TOUCHES THIS triggers - ghosted triggers are not run any more so use ghosting to disable e.g., ACTIVATE WHEN KEY PRESSED and EDIT TEXT WITH A KEY PRESS triggers - invulnerability potion protects now from bullets and gas - triggers TARGET BOX and TARGET BALL said that SHIFT+W/S changed "sprite" -> renamed to "mode" - Angel doesn't float after eating a mouldy bread and jumping - when playing two different levels with two different BGM URLs the game now correctly loads the second level's music when the level starts - invisible and ghosted cannons' cannonball counter is now invisible - changed damage calculations so that when objects a and b collide a will cause damage to b with a's damagemultiplier and b will cause damage to a with b's damagemultiplier. this is more realistic as previously we just multiplied the damagemultipliers together and both objects got the same damage. - adjusted killer fly-bees' and fragile saws' health, because it was used to compensate the accumulated damagemultiplier - if a screen overlay trigger was activated at the start of the level then the level selection screen would have that overlay on top of everything -> fixed - made Bill's sprites to be unique v1.2.11 (23-Dec-2022) "Christmassacre" - added four pine tree branches to deco sprites (shift+9 in the editor) - added a new exploding fly: bomb fly (shift+2 in the editor) - added a gift box (2 in the editor) - added a fireworks rocket (2 in the editor) - added a new food object: mouldy bread that when eaten turns character's special skill into sharts - added two new characters by paint_turtle: Paint Turtle and Ragrinnan - added a new character by Nick: Knight - added five screams to PLAY SFX trigger. - added a new Christmas face for Vincent. - added a new trigger (JUMP SCARE) with three pictures and three effects. use this with PLAY SFX trigger to create jump scares. - added a new trigger (CHANGE SCREEN OVERLAY) with four modes (9 in the editor) - added a special skill for Sadissimo - added adjustable gas to rocket, rocket head and spear rocket - added demon killer bees to beehive - killer fly-bee mutant and fly names are now shown - beefly deals 50% less damage than other flies - pressing e or c keys while the game is paused doesn't do anything any more - if URL box or color selector was open and the user clicked on main menu button under menu then those boxes/windows would remain on screen - unlocking heart, eyes, liver and kidney makes now the unlocking sound - killer bees avoid Angry Turd, but Angry Turd and turds in general attract flies - killer bees and flies have now limited vision/smell - big optimizations to fly and killer bee AI - Little Worm has now a hard hat to protect his weak head - when deleting an object in the editor colliding objects don't fall down any more - fixed broken SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT trigger - free saws are always textured regardless of the texturing settings - axe, chainsaw and swords should now behave a little bit better - Vincent and Elementus drop now only one eye - every ragdoll has now two kidneys v1.2.10 (30-Nov-2022) "More is more" - added -1 pull, -1 jump and -1 bullet pickups (2 in the editor) - added damage multiplier to static generic boxes, balls and triangles (5 in the editor) - fixed a potential crash in user levels like "Soccer But Bad" (Gadget.setSprite() died in null pointer) - Davey can now cast the line through his body - ragdolls remain in t-pose in the edit mode to better show their initial area of influence - moving, scaling, changing the type and rotating objects in the editor should not wake up colliding bodies any more as all bodies are put to sleep when that happens - pausing the game with p key in the edit mode doesn't work any more fixing the issue introduced in the previous version where pressing p while editing a text field would pause the game v1.2.9 (24-Nov-2022) "Thanksgoring" - added one new BGM (Thanksgiving) to the editor and triggers - added two knives: a butcher's knife and a Rambo knife - added food objects (that heal like candies): apple, orange, potato, roasted turkey, onion, corn, and corn when burned explodes into popcorns. eating a burning food makes the ragdoll burn as well. - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE WHEN SLAVE OBJS BURN/NOT BURN) with four modes (9 in the editor) - added backmost deco boxes, balls and triangles (shift+9 in the editor) - added old meatball sprite to meatball (2 in the editor) - added old and weird saw sprite from DD:FC project folder to saws (4 in the editor) - added turquoise fly from Magic Muffin Frog to flies (shift+2 in the editor) - added a new character: Davey plus his book to the books, he also has a new look on Halloween - invisible gradgets (like a fly, a bee, a grabbing hand...) don't become visible for one frame when they swap animation frames - books now generate particles when hit, each book has now its own particle color - when a golf mode level is completed and cancel is pressed the "Shots used..." text will fade away completely, it used to stay there with a very low alpha value - AI upscaled the original killer fly-bee mutant sprites - cannons can be made non-clickable (only triggers can then fire them) - Perfect Balance blocks can now burn - if in golf mode the "golf ball" currently being shot is destroyed the power arrow is also now hidden - ROTATE TOWARDS COLLIDING OBJ trigger has now angle offset so it can be made to work with many different objects - Pinata Horsie now bleeds from the center of his neck when decapitated - grabbing hand doesn't damage any more ragdolls that are invulnerable - candies didn't get eaten when they hit ragdoll's head, and now they don't damage ragoll's head - axes and swords can be made static - saws are textured always and instantly regardless of mode and texturing settings - when playing a golf level it was possible to jump out of the golf cup after completing a level and complete the same level again breaking the graphics - when the game was paused you could still click on buttons without unpausing the game - LEVEL COMPLETED in golf mode has the buttons now a little lower, added hole-in-one detection - golf mode's power arrow is now transparent for better visibility - updated demon bee skin - play Drop Dead: Remains on Thankgiving (USA) day for a little surprise :) v1.2.8 (06-Nov-2022) "Need More Free Time": - Wishi has a new look on Halloween - added one new BGM - added a grabbing hand that causes damage (shift+9 in the editor) - added x-flipping to fist - added a really short sword to swords (2 in the editor) - added 7 slime and 6 stain/splash sprites to decoration sprites (shift+9 in the editor) - added 3 new candle bodies, candles can now be x-flipped (2 in the editor) - added burn time multiplier to loose (and static) hard wood balls, boxes and triangles - added a new alternative skin (demon bee by paint_turtle) for killer bee (shift+2 in the editor) - ghosted chainsaws don't make a sound and are not AI controlled any more - chainsaw can now be made silent - when a level is in golf mode and edit mode is on, golf shot indicator arrow cannot be made to appear any more - Test.cloneBitmap() should return an image even in cases it cannot clone a bitmap -> fixes some crashes? - pressing ESC in the editor with URL box open left the URL box on screen, now it's closed - Vincent and Elementus now have their own skull sprites - bats now bleed and give points - object that had started to burn, but is now in water and burning has stopped, cannot burn any more while in the water. this makes them behave like objects that never had started to burn... - if a http box or ball is set as a decoration it's also made static so it doesn't fall off v1.2.7 (31-Oct-2022) "Helloween": - updated Elementus and Wishi - fixed a possible crash in Test.rotateDisplayObject() - text boxes now keep their text when a text box is changed into something else and back in the editor - removed an empty line from Metal Bear's item info - we now split too long status lines in item info into multiple lines - it was possible to get pain counter really far in the negative range, now it stops at -99,999 - fixed Box 2D physics engine so that it doesn't get stuck in an infinite loop in the main loop any more which caused some levels to freeze the Flash Player - Little Worm and Ranger bleed now from the neck instead of the chin when their heads come off - added five quick save/load slots into level load & save window - added blood to drop boxes and balls - added blood boxes, balls and triangles: just like water, but thicker substance (shift+5 in the editor) - added turd bombs (1 in the editor) - added 11 farts to PLAY SOUND EFFECT triggers (9 in the editor) - added rectal cannon (shift+6 in the editor) - added one more skin (normal) to pumpkin (2 in the editor) - added two swords (2 in the editor) - added an axe (2 in the editor); - added candies (2 in the editor) that can be picked up - the bigger the candy the more it heals - added chainsaw (2 in the editor) - added a new alternative skin (skelefly by Awesome6896) for fly (shift+2 in the editor) - increased maximum unlockable pulls to 18 - when all unlockable pulls have been unlocked OUT OF PULLS notification tells you about it - Skele-Tom doesn't crawl any more, adjusted his hands and head a little v1.2.6 (16-Oct-2022) "Quick Haxor": - fixed burn damage balls (used to share the same ID "k2" with spears, hopefully the new loader will work with really old level data) - fixed DISABLE ALL DAMAGE trigger related issues with bullets (not dying on collision). v1.2.5 (15-Oct-2022) "Dirty Socks": - added a new trigger (DISABLE ALL DAMAGE) that will disable all damage for the specified duration - added invulnerability potion (2 in the editor) - added in pull force modifier to golf cup - added a new skin (jason) for killer fly bee mutant (shift+2 in the editor) - updated Jeremiah's description - corrupted text box texts in level data don't crash the level data loader any more - text box texts in level data can now begin just with "E" instead of "E:" - Bill, Sherry and King have now their own hand and feet sprites - play Drop Dead: Remains on Friday the 13th for a little surprise :) v1.2.4 (13-Apr-2022): - level settings has now two modes: ORIGINAL DROP DEAD and GOLF - GOLF mode has: - renamed pulls to shots - disappearing act is disabled - mini golf style controls - added a new trigger (MOVE CAMERA TO TARGET) that with trigger DELAYED ACTIVATION can be used to make the camera go around the level, show boss monsters when the player gets near them etc. NOTE: make sure you always have max one MOVE CAMERA TO TARGET trigger activated at one time or otherwise the camera might freeze as multiple MOVE CAMERA TO TARGET triggers are trying to move the camera, probably to different directions... - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE WHEN PLAYER'S HEAD IS IN GOLF CUP) that will activate all its slave triggers when player's head falls into the slave golf cup, in a GOLF mode level, i.e. when the player completes a GOLF mode level - added a new fan made character: Ranger - added SFX and BGM volume controls to preferences window - added 7 new egg sprites, and eggs can be made empty or to contain a fly and their health can be modified - added 12 grass decoration sprites from Drop Dead: Cannon and a golf flag pole - added a new bomb: eggsplosive - added continuous mode to ACTIVATE WHEN KEY PRESSED triggers (keep pressing they key and the trigger will activate constantly if it self resets) - added synthetic grass image to backgrounds and decoration sprites - added hit sound selection, color and friction to static rubber boxes, balls and triangles, renamed them to static generic boxes, balls and triangles - added CAN ONLY THROW PLAYER to level settings which should be useful in GOLF mode - added CAN ONLY THROW STILL OBJECTS to level settings which should be useful in GOLF mode - added DAMP SLOW MOVEMENT HARD to level settings, which will force the game to damp a lot the velocities of all objects that move slowly (-> objects stop faster when moving slow), should be useful in GOLF mode - added golf cup object (3 in the editor) mainly for GOLF mode - added parallax effect checkbox to level settings - added two new books (2 in the editor) - added two new alternative skins (basic black and bee fly) for fly (shift+2 in the editor) - added one new alternative skin (cyber knight) for killer fly bee mutant (shift+2 in the editor) - beehives can now spawn cyber knights - ghosted ACTIVATE WITH A MOUSE CLICK triggers don't block mouse clicking any more - tweaked in-game SFX volume calculations - fixed: if Wishi was put to sleep and she tried to spawn an egg, well, now it works - fixed: glass shards vanish when their hitpoints drop down to zero - fixed: item info is no longer behind the particle layer - fixed: loading a level with gazillions of invisible eggs (bug in v1.2.2) is fast now as we ignore those buggy eggs. - for modders: use Main.sm_hasCharacterSelection (= false) to disable character selection - for modders: added GameData.GOLF_MODE_USED_SHOTS_BONUSES (1st entry - bonus for 1 used shot, 2nd entry - bonus for 2 used shots, ...) - beta builds have now special loading screen - play Drop Dead: Remains on Easter Sunday for a little surprise (works only during the years 2022-2100) :) NOTE: for GOLF mode levels you should set linear velocity and angular velocity damping to something like 0.995 (side view, gravityY = 10) or 0.99 (top view, gravityY = 0) in the level settings v1.2.3 (19-Mar-2022): - ragdolls (shift+2 in the editor) can now be marked as static, like e.g., Skele-Tom. this means that they don't fall from their starting position when hit. made it also so that user cannot mouse drag/click them loose. made the joint that keeps them in place stiffer. use an activation trigger to release them. - player character, ragdolls, Skele-tom, Minion and Mannequin have now "head only" and "don't shoot blood from the neck" options - added nuclear bomb its own explosion sound - added health modifier to player character and ragdolls - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE WITH A RAGDOLL) that activates when hit by the specified ragdoll - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE WITH A MOUSE CLICK) that activates with a mouse click - added a new trigger (SET BIT IN MEMORY) that can be used to set a bit in memory to true or false. use this with ACTIVATE IF BIT IN MEMORY IS SET trigger to enable inter/cross level events. note that all bits in memory default to false, and editor has its own memory that is reset every time reset/play is pressed. if you mod the game and use these triggers in in-game levels then their memory is saved to save file and is reset only when the whole progress is reset. - added a new trigger (ACTIVATE IF BIT IN MEMORY IS SET) that activates if the specified bit in memory is set to true - added a new trigger (UNLOCK) that unlocks a character/mode/world/level/pull/brain/eyes/heart/liver/kidney. note that now -1 in GameData.LEVEL_UNLOCK_LIMIT means that it can be unlocked only by using this trigger, 0 and above mean the level can be unlocked with total pain in normal mode or with this trigger. the same applies to GameData.WORLD_UNLOCK_LIMIT. - added a new trigger (SET TEXT TO TOTAL PAIN) that sets a text box to contain normal mode's total pain, which should be useful e.g. when building an in-game shop - added new trigger moving triggers (MOVE TRIGGER and MOVE TRIGGER TO TARGET) - added pain value fine tuning to ACTIVATE WHEN ENOUGH PAIN trigger - added game's version string to level data string - added decimal separator to big values - added camera waypoints in editor in edit mode (for going around the level quickly) - added six new fart sounds - added option to wake up slave objects when ghost mode is turned off to triggers MAKE VISIBLE AND UNGHOST, GHOST MODE ON AND OFF, GHOST MODE OFF AND ON and GHOST MODE OFF - fixed: adding an egg to a level would pollute the level data with gazillion of egg datas - fixed: in the case of a mega hard hit the game could create millions of particles and Flash Player would just, after 15 seconds, kill the game... now the upper limit for particles per hit is 100. - fixed: Chimpy can now burn - fixed: Dogu doesn't crawl any more (the fix made him a little bit taller) - fixed: it was possible to reset the level in editor by pressing 'r' key while save/load etc. windows were open - fixed: jumping calculations work better, now ragdolls without legs don't jump higher than complete ragdolls etc... - fixed: when unlocking more than one character at the same time the announcements show everybody's faces correctly, not just the last character's face - fixed: General Edd's face on the character unlock announcement was too small - fixed: cannons'/gun's visible ammo counter didn't work properly in scrolling levels - fixed: ghosted Benny doesn't snicker any more - fixed: error message box didn't work properly when quality set to low - fixed: SHIFT+SPACEBAR (wake up) in editor doesn't work any more with player characters like it didn't work with other ragdolls - fixed: MOVE TO TARGET trigger doesn't finish working when the 1st object reaches the target, now it moves the objects until they all have reached the target - fixed: it might have been possible that when an object was ghosted it still kept on moving, but now all ghosted objects are frozen in every situation - activating a ghosted trigger with an activation trigger doesn't work any more - if player character is ghosted, jumping is disabled - item info now displays ragdoll's (shift+2 in the editor) name in-game, not just "ragdoll" - for modders: added GameData.MAX_SCORE_PER_LEVEL - don't make it go over 999.999.999! - for modders: character level up limits are now hardcoded in GameData.CHARACTER_LEVELUP_XP_LIMITS - for modders: by default, and when the progress is reset, we now unlock the characters that have 0 in GameData.CHARACTER_UNLOCK_LIMIT instead of just unlocking the very first one regardless of the unlock limit - for modders: GameData.DEFAULT_MAX_PULLS now tells the number of pulls the player has at the beginning of the game - for modders: GameData.MODE_UNLOCK_LIMIT now determines which modes are unlocked by default (value 0 in the array) and in reset, we used to have just the NORMAL mode unlocked regardless of values in GameData.MODE_UNLOCK_LIMIT - moved in-game level selection icon to the right (thus made more room for the counters in the center) so now pull and jump counters go up to 999 - even after being turned to skeleton the player character can still jump - loose internal organs can now be added to levels (2 in the editor) - play Drop Dead: Remains on April Fools Day for a little surprise :) v1.2.2 (02-Mar-2022): - fixed: if Main.sm_isMod was true and the mod had more than 6 worlds, then it was possible that there were invisible, but clickable world icons on the last world selection screen - fixed: remote bomb could be detonated in the editor - fixed: pause screen graphics don't get buried under particles any more. also pressing ESC on the pause screen just unpauses the game. - fixed: the in-game level change arrows didn't obey GameData.LEVEL_UNLOCK_LIMIT - fixed: drop boxes don't drop things while taking a screenshot - fixed: when Dogu's head turns into a skull, blood shoots from below the skull, not from above - fixed: selecting black hole in the editor messed up partially its nearby objects' item infos - fixed: generate shards option with glass blocks was for some reason broken - fixed: Metal Bear Solid's jump multiplier was too high - fixed: fly created by God of Pain's death didn't have working item info - added pain consumption to ACTIVATE WHEN ENOUGH PAIN trigger (consumes pain for activation of the trigger) - for modders: world unlocking is now totally based on values in GameData.WORLD_UNLOCK_LIMIT so worlds can be unlocked out of order - for modders: version string on the title screen can now be 40 pixels wider. added VERSION_STRING_FONT_SIZE. - updated the following graphics: poison bottle, t-rex - added a new fan made character: Chimpy - added Mr. Who from Drop Dead 3 (shift+2 in the editor) v1.2.1 (29-Dec-2021): - hats stick to heads a bit longer - added eggs (2 in the editor) - backmost layer is now behind the trigger + head goal layer - if a world has less than 10 levels then the level buttons on level selection screen are horizontally centered - fixed bugs: hats don't cause damage any more. submit and view scores windows are not dark anymore. fixed level button graphics cache when Main.sm_isMod = true. Benny waits a little longer between laughters. - for modders: if GameData.CHARACTER_COLLECTION_FRIENDS is made empty then there is no switch-button on the character selection window v1.2.0 (22-Dec-2021): - added snow balls that break into smaller snow balls - added characters from old Drop Dead games: Santa, Benny, Missy and Bearinator B-1000 - added a (kinda) new character: Bella (found her prototype in Drop Dead: Players Pack folder) - added two new fan made characters: General Edd and Jeremiah - added short character background stories (see the character selection window) - updated Nick's face graphics, and made the head larger, changed head take off sound - added mode selection - added head goals to all built-in levels - added icicles (2 in the editor) - added a cheat code that gives you 1,000,000,000 total pain but resets the statistics (tip: "FAT FART") so you can unlock everything, but it's obvious that you've cheated - made the ESC (close window / return to previous screen) key work in more cases and better - added a trigger (ACTIVATE WHEN HEAD GOAL ACTIVATED) that activates when head goal is activated (9 in the editor). do note that the trigger has two modes (activate immediately and needs explicit activation (like touch))... - added a trigger (ACTIVATE WHEN ENOUGH PAIN) that activates when there is enough total pain in normal mode (9 in the editor). do note that the trigger has four modes (activate immediately and needs explicit activation (like touch) plus two sources for pain). - score multiplier trigger affects now the points physics engine hits create, not just "give points" trigger points - for modders: note that the level and character data arrays that were in Main and Test are now in GameData - for modders: added worlds, but only for modders who set Main.sm_isMod = true. Set GameData.MAX_WORLDS to the number of worlds your mod has. Set Main.sm_hasModeSelectionScreen = false to disable mode selection screen. - for modders: set Main.sm_showWorldPictures = true if you want to show a picture when the player enters a world in world selection screen. set Main.sm_showWorldPicturesOnce = true if you want to show the picture only once per session. - for modders: set Main.sm_hasIntroScreen = true to enable a Drop Dead 2 and 3 like intro screen - for modders: added a trigger (SHOW PICTURE) that shows a picture (9 in the editor). do note that the picture doesn't need to cover the whole 600x600 screen, it can be smaller. - for modders: we now get the ragdolls' base HP from GameData.CHARACTER_BASE_HP - for modders: to enable per level unlock limits set the limit per level in GameData.LEVEL_UNLOCK_LIMIT - for modders: set sm_useGlobalTotalPainToUnlockCharactersAndPulls = false to force the game to use the total pain of normal mode instead of global total pain to unlock characters and pulls. - fixes: when ghosts die they don't make red particles, but green particles. jumping doesn't work any more while the game is paused. not all recently added characters waved their hands at the beginning of a level. particles shouldn't be drawn over GUI elements any more. added missing heart, kidney and liver to Pinata Horsie. the following bombs can be set as static: nuclear bomb, time bomb, trigger bomb and molotov's cocktail. - lowered character unlock limits a little - play Drop Dead: Remains during Christmas for a little surprise :) v1.1.2 (14-Nov-2021): - redrew Vicent's, Princess' and Metal Bear Solid's faces in high resolution - added another layer (backmost) for deco sprites (shift+9 in the editor) - added two backgrounds from I Want You Dead, Santa - hitting static snow blocks will create now white particles - added halloween music and one BGM from iDrop Dead: Flower Edition to level BGMs - stopped saws don't make saw sounds any more when hit - added enhanced pig saws from Drop Dead 2 and christmas tree decoration ball saws from Drop Dead: Final Cut (4 in the editor) - lowered character unlock limits a little - fixed the HUD (shoot button behavior), hopefully for the last time - steel boxes, balls and triangles work now when loose object texturing is off - added rotating christmas tree star (shift+4 in the editor) v1.1.1 (29-Oct-2021): - level goal announcements are now stopped when a menu page is shown - deco boxes, triangles and circles got the color wrong (a bug introduced in v1.1.0), not any more - fixed electricution for many objects - added two new pumpkin sprites (only the evil face laughs when it explodes) - added double max particle count (to 128K) to preferences, default is 64K (don't double) - Pinata horsie jumped too high, fixed - ali akbar's loose head got thrusted if player pressed space, not any more - poison bottle melts away body parts that have no bones (see Pinata horsie and Pedotula) - redrew TThulhu's face images by hand as ai upscaling produced artifacts - added head goals (shift+5 in the editor) from Drop Dead 2 (currently they are in use in player made levels) - ragdolls' hitpoints are now shown in-game - reorganized the in-game HUD so that air gauge and shoot button work when visible at the same time v1.1.0 (24-Oct-2021): - created a www folder for background images: http://www.ttursas.com/DDR/Backgrounds - added three background images, one from Drop Dead: Cannon, one from Drop Dead 2 and one from Brick Stacker 2 - added ingame BGMs from Drop Dead: Players Pack and iDrop Dead - added one totally new BGM: Drop Dead Sakkijarvi (with umlauts)! - added unlock padlock SFX to SFX triggers to be used with lock and key objects - doubled again max number of particles (now 128k!) for huge massacres - added "scale screen with with the window" to preferences - if you now resize the Flash Player window you'll see that there are big blocker sprites on every four sides of the game screen - should make flinging a bit easier if you resize to e.g., 1000x600 - improved the GUI of the search fields in level database browser - fixed jumping for non super deformed mode - non super deformed Pinata Horsie's head doesn't float in the air any more - a bubble doesn't explode any more when it collides with something in the editor, also bubbles try not to move in the editor for easier positioning - if a URL box is open and player starts to play the level the URL box is now hidden - added particle effects to the title screen - changed Zombie's special skill: jump now regenerates health - fixed Mannequin's ribcage torso piece - made blood stream from a loose head stronger - AI upscaled most of the character heads for extra crispiness - Metamorpheus' face loader tries to avoid loading faces from cache - doubled the resolution for Metamorpheus' faces the game internally uses - added five laughters from Drop Dead 2.5 and five laughters from Drop Dead: Final Cut (also to play SFX triggers) - added all BGMs to play BGM triggers - added five extra pulls that can be unlocked with total pain - you can now give Metamorpheus an alias - Dogu's head shoots out blood from the neck now, not from forehead - added new backgrounds and some spider webs to decoration sprites - if a NPC ragdoll drowns you won't get "You drowned" notification and won't lose all your pulls - added fire potion that sets a ragdoll on fire - added head popper potion that makes the head fly - rocket heads can now be scaled and thrust can be adjusted - instead of keeping just two decimals in the level data's floating point values we now keep three decimals - added a pumpkin (jack-o-lantern) in-game object that breaks into pieces - added five new characters: Angel, Elementus, Wishi, Nick and Pedotula - added flying bats - added hanging/jumping spiders - added floating ghosts - added two new built-in levels - added three old spear tips - added whiskey bottle from Drop Dead 2 - added four gems from Gem Grab games - black holes can be made silent - play Drop Dead: Remains during Halloween for a little surprise :) v1.0.5 (26-Sep-2021): - a really laggy internet connection was able to make it possible for the update notification to appear after the player had reached the title screen or even crash the game - removed Boosters icon and window as Boosters don't work outside Kongregate.com - removed Kongregate.com reference from level "False Memory #3" - when the settings screen is open you cannot add items to the level any more - even though the visible score counter had a limit of 99,999 scores above that affected the global total pain - conveyor belts are now animated - optimized object texturing a lot - the game textured some items even when texture loose setting was off - Dogu's leg sprites were upside down - flinging a fire bomb fragment doesn't crash the game any more - added two new background images - ragdolls cannot be set to burn in the editor any more - created a www folder for Metamorpheus face images: http://www.ttursas.com/DDR/Metamorpheus - added smooth shading to big in-game announcements - using a create trigger to create texts crashed the game, not any more - when writing save game to the disk the game could crash, because flush() didn't work. we now avoid this crash and print an error message about what happened. - added reset progress button to title screen. it also deletes the old save game file in case it was corrupted/broken. - just like with background music, it's now possible give URL to a background image for the level - added a preferences window to title screen with two options: super deformed mode and use old hit sounds - Skele-tom, Minion and Mannequin cannot any more be scaled so small that they vanish and crash the game - Suicide Ali Akhbar and other characters should not generate giant rib and hip bones if they get destroyed very fast after the level has started - Suicide Ali Akhbar's suicide bomb makes sometimes his head fly off really fast - bug fixed and optimized exploding sprites - doubled the maximum number of particles available v1.0.4 (20-Jun-2021): - removed a reference to kongregate.com from instructions screen - rotating pillow ball, box and triangle don't cause damage any more - rotating ball doesn't emit saw sounds any more - changing the ragdoll while editing a level forces the editor to make a backup of the level data so the changes are not lost any more - https and file URLs should work now with Metamorpheus and background music (Windows: "c:\BGM\music.mp3" -> "file:///c:/BGM/music.mp3"). remember not to use file URL if you want to put your level into level database as file URL doesn't work for other people, only http and https work for everybody. - added T-Rex (shift+2 in the editor) from Drop Dead 3. - added God of Pain (shift+2 in the editor) from Drop Dead 2. - if the player burned when saving the level then when loading the level the character doesn't burn any more v1.0.3 (06-Jun-2021): - added four new BGMs - added five new background images - fixed Sack Jack's leg (used to have Dogu's metadata) - fixed the hands of Princess - if there is a new version of the game available you can see information about that on the loading screen - updated right mouse button menu links (now links to Drop Dead: Collection) - added rocket head (shift+2 in the editor) from Drop Dead 2 - added squid (shift+2 in the editor) from Drop Dead 2. it can now jump also on land. - added worm (shift+2 in the editor) from Drop Dead 2. made it a little bit bigger. - added hook decoration sprite (shift+9 in the editor) from Drop Dead 3 - added chain extension decoration sprite (shift+9 in the editor) for hook v1.0.2 (20-Jul-2016): - decreased pull unlock limits a little - added third "secret level pack" with 15 levels and unlocked it also in the title screen v1.0.1 (18-Jul-2016): - decreased pull and character unlock limits - unlocked the two secret level packs hidden in the title screen v1.0.0 (16-Jul-2016) (new since Drop Dead 3): - new bombs: fire fuze, trigger, remote, time, molotov's cocktail, a gut bomb - new static box/ball/triangle materials: burnable hard wood, steel, conveyor belt - new pickups: anti gravity potion, zero gravity pill, magic mushroom - new area effects: damage, burn damage, electricity, insta kill, velocity modifier - a cannon that shoots laser and solid stone balls & gun barrel that fires bullets - gravity change ball - flying balls and boxes, spikey balls - black holes, mars planet - pendulums with boxes and saws & bridges - http-balls and boxes - use your own sprites! - pinball pit - text boxes - water and acid drop generator areas - particle emitters - soft wood box/ball/triangle objects - fish - beehive (emits bees) & butterflies - keys & locks (can e.g. open doors, when combined with proper triggers) - throwing star - (loose) fist! - burning tobaccos and candles - plus 1 bullet pickups that unlock shoot mode (from Drop Dead: Escape to Heaven) - box areas that generate random saw blades - sports balls: tennis, basket, soccer, golf and baseball - new characters: suicide ali akbar, crappy ninja, zombie, pinata horsie, dick the bureaurat, sadissimo - trigger system and lots of triggers - background decoration sprites - new properties to some old objects: make static, set color, rotate - lots of bug fixes, minor tweaks here and there (code and graphics), physics engine optimizations